Visit to St Peter's Church
What a pleasure it was to visit St Peter's Church to learn about Christmas and its significance in the Christian calendar. We listened to the Christmas story; went on a scavenger hunt around the church identifying the different artefacts and symbols and managed to listen to the organ in all of its glory!
Our trip to Birmingham Wildlife Conservation Park was one we thoroughly enjoyed. Using our Science topic of Animals Including Humans as a stimulus, we looked around at a variety of different animals and their habitats, from meerkats and monkeys to lynxes and capybaras.
We take part in the Daily Mile using our fabulous purpose built course, building fitness, fun and wellbeing!
Recent fun, non-uniform days have included Care For Your Bear Day and Mental Health Awareness Day, dressing in yellow or other bright colours to represent our understanding of the importance of looking after our mental health.
We were delighted to be joined by the Reverend Stevenson to share with us his knowledge and wisdom about Harvest. The teachers were so proud of the children for their Harvest assembly, whether it was speaking lines, spelling our a variety of words that can be made using the letters found in 'Harvest' or singing the Harvest song Cauliflowers Fluffy!