Our curriculum meets the national curriculum and is ambitious, broad, and balanced for all children including those with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND). Our curriculum is knowledge and skills rich, ensuring children build key vocabulary and concepts at every stage. We plan the curriculum carefully, with a clear progression of knowledge and skills from the EYFS and to KS1, leading to the greater acquisition of knowledge and skills over time, preparing our children for the transition to KS2. Our curriculum develops children’s aspirations, appreciation, and awareness of the wider world and their position within it, with a strong focus on representation, developing strong oracy skills and critical thinking. We develop cultural capital across the curriculum, through planned enrichment linked specifically to the curriculum and through the celebration of diverse contributions to fields of learning and achievement. British Values are woven across the curriculum. In this way, we make a difference through understanding and living our school values and aspirations.
High-quality continuous professional development (CPD) and a commitment to learning from research and best practice lie at the heart of our curriculum implementation. Staff at every level are provided with opportunities to develop their own subject knowledge and pedagogy to ensure the curriculum can be delivered effectively with maximum impact. Subject leaders and senior leaders support all staff to develop their expertise through routine co-planning, modeling, and discussion of lessons, as well as coaching and monitoring by curriculum leaders. Subject specialists are developed to sustain good levels of expertise. Vocabulary is taught explicitly and effectively across the whole curriculum. There is a high level of talk in all lessons, applying key vocabulary and allowing for reasoning and depth of discussion at the children’s level. Learning is made accessible to all, through clear coverage of prior knowledge and learning, and, within each lesson, consistent scaffolding, chunking of new learning, opportunities for talk, and feedback. We have high expectations for all pupils and are committed to ensuring our curriculum complies with the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014. Pupils with specific additional needs work against their termly individual targets, and only when appropriate alternative learning tasks are designed. Opportunities for depth are provided through questioning, reasoning, depth tasks, and reading beyond the curriculum. Homework is focused on the areas that have the greatest impact on pupil progress: Reading, Phonics, and Maths Fluency. Formative assessment is used routinely within lessons, in order to address pupil misconceptions. Summative assessments are used termly to track how pupils are progressing against the curriculum. All lessons allow pupils to practice our core values and learning behaviours displayed in each classroom and around the school.
Our inclusion statement emphasises the importance of providing an inclusive learning environment for all pupils including those with SEND. Additional information on this can be found in our ‘Special Education Needs Information Report’ and ‘Equalities Policy’ and objectives.