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SEND Information Report

SEND Information Report


The information in this document describes our provision for pupils with a Special Educational Need or Disability (SEND) and reflects Birmingham’s Local Offer which can be found at:

Our Information Report is written in line with our SEND and Inclusion Policy. The Information Report is updated annually in discussion with parents/carers and the policy is updated every three years with a review being held annually. The policy was last reviewed in October 2023. 


The Information Report has been updated in October 2023 following a parent discussion forum to gain parent voice. Thank you to the group of parents who attended this year’s discussion forum.




We pride ourselves on creating an inclusive and supportive learning environment which supports all children and their families. We are guided by our principles which are:

  • We always encourage independence & enjoyment
  • Pupil participation is central to what we do
  • Class based staff are offered ideas, support & advice to ensure high quality teaching* (*meeting   children’s needs by adapting planning & provision in class so that SEND provision is driven by the teacher all day every day).
  • Build on each child’s strengths to help them access the things they find tricky
  • Inclusive practice benefits all children
  • Children not on the SEND register develop understanding, empathy and higher level skills involved in supporting their peers & sharing their knowledge.
  • Celebrate successes, however small they may seem to some
  • Interventions are adapted and personalised to meet each child’s needs
  • Evolving practice responds to children’s changing needs and the progress they make.
  • Parents' / Carers' involvement is highly valued.
  • At Hall Green Infant and Nursery School we are a committed, experienced & creative team who want to see the children succeed.
  • The Inclusion team is here to support the child, their family and the classroom staff.
  • We prioritise well-being.
  • Learning is multi-sensory & hands-on.




At Hall Green Infant and Nursery School the teacher who co-ordinates SEND support and provision is Mrs Hena Mehboob our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCo). She can be contacted either via the school office on 0121 464 3082 or by email

For more information about the SENDCo role see our webpage about the Inclusion






In school, we use a variety of different ways to assess whether a child may have special educational needs. Some of these ways include (but not limited to):


  • Observations
  • School assessment and progress data/results from end of key stage assessments
  • Information from parents/carers
  • Information from the child
  • Information shared by the child’s class teacher
  • Referrals for specialist assessments, observations, advice and direct input from members of the school’s extended support services (with parent/carer consent). Usually carried out in school.
  • Discussions with adults who work with the child in and out of school – Team Around the Child meetings
  • Information from previous schools or settings
  • Questionnaires and evaluation tools used as a part of a targeted intervention


Once a pupil has been identified as having additional needs, we will work with you and discuss with you the kind of support the school can offer. This will be done in line with a graduated approach to additional needs as described in the SEND Code of Practice (2014).  We use a person-centred approach in our graduated response to SEND and regularly assess and plan for the needs a child may present with. This is then closely followed by ‘do’ where we provide the relevant provision, support and resources for your child which is reviewed at least 3 times within a school year. This graduated approach is referred to as the ASSESS, PLAN, DO, REVIEW cycle.






Levels of Support offered as part of the graduated response:

SEND Support is used to describe a child who will need provision which is additional to or different from what is available to all, in order to make progress. All children who are considered to need SEND Support will be added to the SEND register and will have a Learning Plan created by their class teacher. These plans will provide targeted and focused outcomes that school and home can work together on to support the child’s progress. They will be reviewed termly with the teacher, pupil and parents/carers and new/updated targets will be created where needed.


The first stage of SEND Support is 'targeted support'. When this happens the child is provided with interventions & strategies by the class teacher that is additional to or different from those provided by the usual differentiated curriculum. Information is collected from the class teacher, specialist teacher (SENDCo), parent/carer and any other professional working with the child.


Sometimes 'specialist support' will be necessary.  Professionals from external agencies will see the child, so that they can advise teachers on fresh targets and accompanying strategies, provide more specialist assessments that can inform planning and the measuring of progress. Most of our external agencies are accessed using professionals at "Access to Education A2E" to ensure the best outcomes for these pupils. Information about these agencies can be found at


The Education Health Care Plan replaces the old "Statement of Provision" and any pupil on a Statement of Provision will have been transferred to an Education Health Care Plan by April 2018.


SEND Support Provision Plan (SSPP) & Education Health Care Plan (EHCP)  

Some children have a greater and more specific need for extra help and these may be outlined via a SEND Support Provision Plan or an Education Health Care Plan which sets out the kind of help needed.  

A “SEND Support Provision Plan” is a document used by Birmingham Local Authority and is not a legally binding document; this could be described as between "SEND Support" and an "Educational Health Care Plan". The plans are referred to as SSPPs and the targets are reviewed termly in line with the Learning Plan reviews. Each year, the plans are reviewed with parents/carers, external agencies and school staff and any additions/changes can be made. For some children with a high level of need, additional funding can also be requested from the Local Authority via these SSPPs.


An Education Health Care Plan is a legally binding document (so if a child moves to a different local authority the provision stipulated in it goes with them).  Again, parents/carers are always fully involved at every stage if it is thought that an EHCP is necessary and would be beneficial to the child. Information about the EHCP assessment process is available on the Birmingham Local Offer website which can be found at: Evidence in support of an EHCP needs to be gathered and clearly documented through the graduated approach and noted within a child’s Support Plan. Short and long-term outcomes are then discussed at a Team Around the Child meeting with all views gathered and recorded. This process usually takes at least two academic terms to fully evidence unless there are extenuating/special circumstances. The plan, if allocated, is reviewed at least once a year and includes the views of the child, parents/carers, teachers and external agencies. The impact of provision is also reviewed along with; academic progress, attendance, behaviour, health and social care requirements and any short-term targets partially/fully met. For some children, their needs may require a more specialist approach requiring additional adult support, personalised resources, higher needs funding or for an alternative placement to be explored (i.e. Resource Base or Specialist Provision). These discussions will always be had with parents/carers and with support from any external agencies.


Children who are working at a level significantly above that of a child of a similar age may also be described as having Special Educational Needs (“More Able Child” ~ working roughly a year ahead of age related expectations or “Gifted & Talented” ~ working roughly two years ahead of age related expectations or having a special talent e.g. creative/physical ability).

We believe that it is vitally important that all children achieve their full potential and that we all work as a team to ensure this happens.  As with children on the SEND Code of Practice, provision for more able children is driven by the class teacher(s). Through the provision of a range of strategies and a properly differentiated curriculum the needs of all children, including the most able, are addressed.






Sometimes it will be appropriate for a child to take part in a specialised group to help their particular skills.  It’s not just pupils on the SEND Code of Practice who take part in these interventions ~ we all need a bit of help sometimes.  The groups we can run, as and when they are needed, include:


Cognition and Learning

For children who find learning, thinking and understanding more challenging than most other pupils.

Communication and Interaction

For children who find it difficult when interacting and communicating with other people and managing change.

  • Phonics groups
  • Precision Teaching
  • 1:1 reading
  • Colour overlays
  • Access to assistive technology
  • Spelling apps
  • In class support from a Teaching Assistant
  • Pre/Post-tutoring groups
  • Writing groups
  • Maths groups

External agency support:

Pupil and School Support

  • Nurture groups (The Nest)
  • Speech and Language groups
  • NELI
  • TalkBoost
  • Social groups
  • Colourful Semantics
  • Total communication environments (use of symbols/visuals, etc.)
  • Communication in Print resources
  • Autism awareness training
  • Autism champion
  • EAL support

External agency support:

Link Speech and Language Therapy

Communication and Autism Team

Social, Emotional and Mental Health

For children who find it difficult to manage/regulate their emotions and responses to particular environments/events


For children who have a hearing or visual impairment, a physical disability or medical condition and require: support and/or adaptations or reasonable adjustments to be made

  • Social groups
  • Nurture groups (The Nest)
  • Lunchtime support
  • Early Help referrals
  • Designated staff member to support
  • Senior Mental Health Lead






External agency support:

Educational Psychologist

Steve Brown BST

  • Individual resources/aids as guided by specialist support teams
  • Enlarged text
  • Seating plans
  • Reasonable adjustments to the timetable
  • Gross Motor groups
  • Fine Motor groups


External agency support:

Specialist Support Service – HI/VI

Physical Disability Support Service

Occupational Therapist referrals

Physiotherapist referrals


Not all groups can run all of the time but happen according to the needs within the school. The intervention groups are run in year groups and by class teachers, support staff and Senior Leaders. In addition to group support, there is some support for individual children within class, working on their identified targets, when appropriate.



At Hall Green Infant and Nursery School, we pride ourselves in working collaboratively with our families and offer an open communication approach. This means that parents/carers can contact the school whenever they have a query or concern and time will be made for them. Meetings or phone calls can be scheduled with parents/carers at times when contact is requested. The Inclusion Team has details and information of local and national support groups and can help to signpost parents/carers to them. Parents’/Carers’ view and contributions are valued and they are listened to.

We aim to regularly involve parents/carers in the education of their child through a variety of different ways including:

  • Meetings with class teacher and SENDCo at target setting meetings
  • Home-school communication logs
  • Information on the school website
  • Parent workshops
  • Information sharing of parent groups/workshops in the locality
  • Regular EHCP/SSPP planning and review meetings
  • Coffee morning/afternoons for families of children with SEND
  • Communication around strategies that work at home/at school so they can be shared
  • SENDCo drop in sessions
  • Parents’ Evening slots



Who do I see if I’m worried about my child’s learning and/or development?

The class teacher is the first person to speak to about any concerns you may have.  The teacher can then speak to the SENDCo to either seek some guidance or arrange a meeting for the parents / carers to discuss their concerns with the SENDCo directly.


Does my child have to have a formal diagnosis in order for SEND support to be available at school?

No. At Hall Green Infant School, all children are unique and have individual needs. We will not wait for a formal diagnosis before support and adaptations/adjustments are made. We have a very evidence based approach to recognising additional needs that children may have and this will be started with or without a formal diagnosis. If your child does receive a formal diagnosis then we would appreciate a copy of this for their file at school so that any additional support could be accessed if needed. We will also support any external professionals/agencies in collating evidence for a diagnosis if this is requested of us.


Does my child have to have and Education, Health & Care Plan (EHCP) to receive extra support? No.  All children on the special educational needs register receive support that is personalised for them.  This may be mainly focused in class and the adaptations the class teacher makes for them (known as quality first teaching), but may also include other support, such as being part of an intervention group or involvement from outside agencies.


What is an Education, Health & Care Plan (EHCP)?

It is a legal document for pupils with a high level of need.  ‘EHCPs’ replaced ‘statements’ when the new SEND Code of Practice became law in September 2014.  They document what a child’s needs are, what provision is required for him/her and outcomes are being targeted.  If you would like more information about what is in an EHCP or when one would be requested for a pupil, please see the Inclusion Leader.


I’m worried about my child moving to a new school.  What happens to help them?

For transitions at the end of the academic year e.g. moving up to a junior school, the school has a focus on transition support for SEND children in the Summer Term.  Extra time is spent with specific children to help prepare them for the changes, additional visits to new settings can be arranged and personalised transition books can be made for the children to use during the summer holidays with their families. 

Similar strategies are used if a child changes settings part way through an academic year, so the more notice we can be given if a move is going to take place the more time we can spend helping your child cope with the transition.

Smooth transition to our Nursery Class and to school in Reception are also very important to us, so if your child has any additional needs and gets allocated a place at our school please inform us as soon as possible if they have additional needs.  That way, we can liaise with you and any previous settings as well as arranging additional visits and/or transition books.


As a parent of a SEND child I’m feeling alone.  Can you help?


We have access to the SENDCo via email, telephone and face to face meetings for parents of children on the SEND register.  There are Teams meetings/webinars online from various agencies at the local authority, which parents can sign up to and attend.  The SENDCo is also available on Parents Evenings and SEND coffee mornings/afternoons. 


Please see the SEND information for parents / carers section for details of meetings in school or within the locality.


There are also termly SEND review meetings and parents evenings.  If at any point in the school year you would like to speak to the class teacher about concerns you may have, teachers are happy to arrange a time to talk to you.


My child has SEND, can they take part in an after school club?

Yes.  All pupils have equal access to after school clubs.  We may need to take extra steps to support a pupil’s participation in a club, so when you complete a form to request a place for your child you can highlight your child’s needs and the office staff will involve the Inclusion Leader. For further details about after school clubs please speak to the school office.


Where can the school’s policy for SEND be found?

The school’s SEND policy can be found in the SEND section of the website. Here you will also find our ‘Attendance and Medical Needs’ policy and ‘Accessibility Plan’. Any updates to services/useful website can also be found in this section of the website.


How is the Governing Body involved with SEND provision?

On the Governing Body there is a named Governor for SEND Mrs Pam Key. They will stay in regular contact with the SENDCo Leader throughout the school year and, when suitable, can also come to school to visit. Our SEND Governor represents the voice for SEND within the full Governing Body and helps to ensure the provision at Hall Green Infant and Nursery School is effective and in line with statutory policies and documentation.


How is Parent Voice collected and actioned?

Each term a parent voice questionnaire will be sent out via email with a link. This will be an opportunity for parents to share their views on what is working well and what they feel could do with further development. SENDCo drop in sessions, Parents’ Evening slots and coffee mornings/afternoons will also be used to encourage parents to come to school and share their views. Parents and carers are also welcome to arrange 1:1 meetings with the SENDCo to discuss any questions or queries.


What do I do if I am not happy with the provision my child is receiving?

We will always take your concerns seriously and will act upon these on an individual basis. In the first instance please speak to your child's class teacher.  If you do not feel happy that a satisfactory resolution has been reached then please see Mrs Mehboob (for things relating to SEND), or the Year Group Leader for the year group.  If you would like to discuss your concerns further, please speak to the school office to arrange a meeting with Mrs Wood (Head Teacher).  If you still have concerns, please follow our complaints procedure available on our school website on our policies page  


How do I know what happens in school to support my child in achieving their targets?

All children on the SEND register will have a Learning Plan and a ‘purple book’. Each week, our children will have an allocated time to work with an adult on these targets which can be seen in their purple book. We have listened to parent voice and we will be trialling having these purple books available at Parents’ Evening/when Learning Plans are due for a review, so that parents and carers can see what support has been in place since the targets were set.


What services are available to support our families with information and advice?

In Birmingham, parents and families of children with SEND can access a service called Special

Educational Needs Information Advice and Support Services – SENDIASS. This service will support and advise families with impartial, confidential, accessible and free information and communication for a range of subjects, including:

  • Assessment processes for EHCPs
  • Information about the support available in nurseries, schools and colleges
  • Social Care and Health issues that relate to education
  • Individual casework and support in preparing for and attending meetings
  • Advice and representation through appeals and complaints processes, if appropriate.


SENDIASS can be contacted via telephone - 0121 303 5004 or email –

Their website address is:  
