If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below.
New Reception places
To apply for a September 2025 Reception place at Hall Green Infant School, you must apply through Birmingham City Council Admissions Department and fill in an on-line form. Applications open on 1st October 2024 and the very latest date to complete it is the 15th January 2025.
Nursery and In-Year Admissions
For Nursery places or for in-year admissions for current year groups, please complete a registration form (above). The form must be completed and emailed to the school office (admissions@hallgreen-inf.bham.sch.uk). If we are able to offer you a space you will then be asked to provide your child's original Birth Certificate and proof of address, this could be a Council Tax or Utility bill (received in the last 3 months) so that we can take a copy.
If you have any questions please contact a member of our office staff on 0121 464 3082. For further information on Admissions or Exclusion arrangements, please go to the School Admissions link below.
New Reception and In-Year Places
Hall Green Infant School has a catchment area (see document below). The criteria that we follow to offer places to children is as follows:
Appeals Process
Birmingham City Council Admissions and Appeals manage the Appeals process if your child does not get a place at our school. Click the link for further information:
Nursery Places
Nursery places are offered to children who have brothers or sisters already in the Infant or the Junior School. Any remaining places are then offered on a distance basis from school, i.e. those that live closest to school will be offered first. The Admissions Department at Birmingham City Council calculates the distances for us.
We hold waiting lists for all year groups and your child will be put on the waiting list if there isn't a space available at the time of application. Once a space becomes available, we will contact you to see if you still require a space for your child.