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Our Shared Vision

Governance at Hall Green Infant School


Our school governors strive to make a positive contribution to the children's education, sharing the beliefs that shape our school. Our committed governing body has a key role in ensuring the school’s effectiveness. The detailed day to day running of the school is the responsibility of the Head Teacher.  


What do governors do? 

Governors serve a four-year term and have three core strategic responsibilities: 

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction; 
  • Holding the head teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils; 
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent. 
  • Our governors contribute to our school development plan and work closely with school staff to monitor, challenge and celebrate standards.  

Members of our governing body are committed to visiting school regularly and to offering independent thinking when acting as a critical friend, to challenge and support the leadership team and hard-working staff.  


Structure of the Governing Body 

Governors hold a full Governing Body Meeting at least once a term.  As well as this, the finance and staffing committees also meet once a term. 



Learning and Growing Together: Working together to deliver excellence for every child as we guide them along their learning journey. 


At Hall Green Infant School, everyone belongs. Our children feel safe and valued. We develop confident, successful and happy children, who develop a love for learning.  


 Our Aims: 

  • To deliver a broad and balanced school curriculum that is inspirational and enriched by a variety of wider learning opportunities, which excites and engages all pupils  
  • To provide excellent teaching and learning for all subjects, through high quality professional development, ensuring we meet the needs of all our children  
  • To promote high standards of achievement and progress, building strong foundations for learning through systematic and successful teaching of core skills, such as reading and early maths 
  • To nurture and support the health and wellbeing of all children and staff  
  • To develop and strengthen each child’s personal qualities including moral values, through a wide range of leadership and responsibility roles  
  • To celebrate children’s achievements and nurture their individual talents, encouraging children to follow their dreams  
  • To promote respectful and tolerant attitudes, teaching children to understand their rights and responsibilities, enabling children to live in harmony and contribute to their school and the wider community 
  • To enable children to be ready for next stage of education  