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When a Child is Absent?

Absences Procedures:


When children are absent from school, parents should inform the school office on the first day of absence. This can be done via the school’s Studybugs app, phone or email.  If school is not contacted, then a text message or phone call home will be made to find out why their child/children are not attending school. If your child’s attendance is under 95%, the school will contact you at home to discuss your child’s absence and their attendance.


If contact is difficult to establish, a home visit may be undertaken. Home visits may take place if your child’s attendance is below 90% (or was below 90% the previous year) as part of our ‘safe and well’ procedures. Home visits may also take place if the school is unsure of the given reason for absence or has any concerns or if it is close to the start/end of a holiday.


Children will be asked why they have missed school on their return. This is part of School’s safeguarding procedures.


After a period of 10 days, from the first day of absence and if no written or verbal recorded response has been given, the absence will be recorded as unauthorised.


The school will not request medical evidence in most circumstances where a pupil is absent due to illness; however, the school reserves the right to request supporting evidence.

Where a pupil has not returned to school for 10 days after an authorised absence, or is absent from school without authorisation for 20 consecutive school days, the school will remove the pupil from the admissions register if the school and the LA have failed to establish the whereabouts of the pupil after making reasonable enquiries.
