We spent every afternoon exploring connections between us and the world around us.
Day 1: On day 1 we talked about our 5 senses and what they like and don't like which is unique to us. Then we had fun with smelly cups and feeling cups to try and use our senses to guess what was inside! Some things our senses liked and others they didn't.
Day 2: On day 2 we talked about how we are connected to the world around us and how we can help make the world better. We discussed climate change and what this means. We then looked at how what we eat can affect the world and explored how food gets from the farm to our fork. We did this through discussing food miles and how food is transported. In groups we looked at where our food comes from, how far it travels to get to our supermarkets and what this means for our world. We learnt the word carbon emissions. We then planted our own fruits and vegetables and we will be growing them over the term.
Day 3: During day 3 we looked at the connections we make as we grow and change. We talked about growing up and how our bodies and families can grow and change. We then used measuring tapes to look for connections between our height, age and shoe size. We measured ourselves and our shoe size and put it all in a chart to see if there was a connection or pattern that we could see.
Day 4: On day 4 of science week we linked our connections topic to our 'Living things and their habitats' science topic. We explored the connections animals in our environment make with each other and the world around them. We talked about the ways we can help animals to thrive and the food chains that we have on our doorstep. We then made our own food chains and discussed the transfer of energy that happens between animals and how it is connected to us.