Glossary of SEND Terms
Abbreviation: | Meaning: | |
1PP | One Page Profile ~ summary page used for children identified at having high needs or behaviour needs. This ensures all staff working with the child are familiar with the child's needs, preferences and opinions. | |
ASD | Autistic Spectrum Disorder ~ is no longer used due to the connotations of ‘disorder’, “… is on the Autistic Spectrum” or "Autistic Spectrum Condition" or “… has Autism” would instead be used. | |
ADD/ADHD | Attention Deficit Disorder / Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder | |
Assessment | A detailed examination of a child's special educational needs | |
Baseline Assessment | A standardised teacher assessment designed to establish the attainment level of children at a significant point | |
BESD | Behavioural, Emotional and Social Difficulties | |
BSS | Behaviour Support Service (now CoB) | |
CAT | Communication and Autism Team | |
CoB | City of Birmingham School ~ previously BSS | |
CoP | Code of Practice | |
CRISP | Criteria for Special Provision ~ funding & assessment tool used for children with a statement or provision plan | |
CI | Communication and Interaction | |
CL | Cognition and Learning | |
CP | Child Protection | |
CPR | Child Protection Register | |
EBD | Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties | |
EHC(P) | Education and Health Care Plan | |
EP | Education Psychologist | |
ESW | Education Social Worker | |
ESP | Early Support Programme | |
EYFS | Early Years Foundation Stage | |
Fine Motor | Small movements e.g. cutting, using a pencil and doing up fastenings on clothes. | |
FSM | Free School Meals (see PPG) | |
G&T | Gifted & Talented (child working two or more years above age-related expectations) see MAC | |
GLD | Global Learning Difficulties | |
Gross Motor | Large movements e.g. running, jumping and climbing | |
HI | Hearing Impaired | |
IBP | Individual Behaviour Plan | |
IEP | Individual Education Plan (no longer used at HGIS following introduction of the new CoP) | |
IL | Inclusion Leader | |
LA/LEA | Local Authority/Local Education Authority | |
LD | Learning Difficulties | |
L&L Toolkit | Language & Literacy Toolkit. Continuum of statements covering the areas of speaking & listening, reading and writing. This is used for each child on the SEND register as a key part of the 'plan/do/review' SEND cycle. | |
LSA | Learning Support Assistant | |
MAC | More Able Child (child working a year above age-related expectations) | |
MLD | Moderate Learning Difficulties | |
NC | National Curriculum | |
ODD | Oppositional Defiant Disorder | |
OT | Occupational Therapy/Therapist | |
PD | Physical Disability | |
P Levels | Type of assessment used for pupils working below level 1. At HGIS we use ‘B Squared’ to do this. | |
PP | Provision Plan | |
PPG | Pupil Premium Grant | |
SaLT | Speech and Language Therapy | |
SATs | Standard Assessment Tests | |
SA | School Action (old CoP) | |
SA+ | School Action Plus (old CoP) | |
SEN(D) | Special Educational Needs (and disabilities) | |
SENCo | Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator | |
SS | SEND Support (replaces SA & SA+) As part of the graduated response this may include targeted or specialist support, when outside agencies become involved. | |
SLD | Severe Learning Difficulties | |
SpLD | Specific Learning Difficulties | |
SPM | Sensory, Physical, Medical | |
SSS | Sensory Support Service (includes HI & VI) | |
Statement | Statutory assessment of a child’s special educational needs, now EHCP education and health care plan following the new SEND legislation September 2014. Transfers to the EHC from a statement are happening for different year groups over the space of several years. | |
TA | Teaching Assistant | |
VI | Visually Impaired | |