All children’s progress (both academic and pastoral) is continually monitored by his/her teacher, the SENCO, and senior management team using the school’s assessment tracking & safeguarding systems. Pupils are assessed regularly using teacher marking, observations and questioning as well as more formal assessments such as curriculum tests and standadised tests.
Assesments and tracking for our children with SEND needs include the use of engagement model and the Early Years Developmental journal in the Early Years Foundation Stage. With the Birmingham Language & Literacy and the Maths toolkit supporting assessment when a child or young person is making small steps of progress in Years 1 & 2.
In addition for children with SEN we also set Individual target plans, which include short term SMART targets for each child. These are reviewed during a SEND review at least three times a year by relevant staff together with parents/carers. These will usually take place on the same days as Parents' Evenings. Time is spent with the child before the review to gain their views so that the pupil's voice can be represented at the meeting. The well-being of the child, their needs and their progress is discussed. An important part of the review is that the views of the child, parent and teacher are shared and used to inform the next steps for the child. Between termly reviews, parents / carers can book a meeting with the SENDCo, to discuss concerns or pass on information from health appointments, by contacting the school office.
If a child has an Education, Health & Care plan (EHCP) or a ‘ SEND support Provision Plan’ an annual review will also be held. At this meeting, short term and long term outcomes for the child are reviewed and then a plan for the following year is created. Outside agencies will attend an annual review if possible.