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Growing and Learning Together
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We are the Eco-Warriors!

What we do


As Eco warriors we are passionate about protecting and saving our planet. We understand how important our planet is and that we must do our best to care for it. The Eco-Warriors work together as a team to make positive changes to our school to make it a more environmentally friendly place and think about how we can help our community become more ‘green’. 


In our school you will see the Eco Warriors:

  • Encouraging children, teachers and the local community to recycle
  • Reflecting on how much energy we use and thinking about ways we can use less
  • Finding out about and sharing information about how the decisions and actions we make today can affect the planet in the future 
  • Thinking of new ideas to improve how our school and community look after the world around us


Why our job is important


The work carried out by the Eco Warriors links very closely with our rights respecting ethos. The articles below are taken from the UNCRC and are covered during Eco Warrior meetings.


Article 12: children have the right to say what they think should happen and to have their opinions taken into account.

Article 24: children have the right to a clean environment.
