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Community Expectations


Hall Green Infant and Nursery School

Our Community Expectations

We aim to develop our children as young people in order to support them to become citizens and positive contributors to the local and global community.  We work hard to ensure the children and all members of the school community enjoy a safe and positive experience where they are valued, respected and most of all have fun!

We use our School Rules as well as our Values and Aspirations to support children to be prejudice free, tolerant and actively curious about different families, faiths and beliefs in their community.





We are a Rights Respecting Schools and as such we aim to create a safe and inspiring environment where children are respected, their talents are nurtured and they are able to thrive.  We teach children about their rights and their responsibility to respect and support other people’s rights.  We encourage children to use the language of rights and responsibilities. In 2019 we achieved the Rights Respecting Silver Award in recognition of the values and ethos seen in our children and school community.



Our families recognise that educating children is a process that involves partnership between parents, teachers and the local community.  This is our great strength.  Our community recognises the importance of having a strong working relationship between home and school to equip children with the necessary skills for their next stages in life.

Staff take great care to provide an exemplary education for each child and to ensure that our children learn about kindness and respect.  This often starts with our very young children learning to share and to co-operate with their peers.  Our staff support our children as they grow and develop to demonstrate our school values.  Our children are extremely well-behaved and overwhelmingly treat each other with kindness and respect.  They are a credit to us all.

As adults we are expected to be great role models for all our children so that they learn to be good citizens of the future.

We want to ensure that all adults who visit or who are in our school community build upon the example set by the pupils and conduct themselves in such a way as to be exemplary role models.


We expect parents, visitors and carers to be great role models by:

  • Respecting the ethos of the school and do all they can to support it at all times.
  • Understanding that both teachers and parents need to work together for the benefit of the children.
  • Demonstrating that all members of the community should be treated with respect and therefore set a good example in their own speech and behavior both in and around school.  This includes when parking and crossing roads around school.
  • Seeking to clarify a child’s version of events with the school’s view in order to bring about solutions to any issues that arise.
  • Correcting their own child’s behaviour, especially in public where it could lead to conflict, aggressive or unsafe behaviour.
  • Approaching the school to help resolve any issues of concern.  This should be done through the appropriate channels by telephoning or emailing the class teacher, a member of the senior leadership team, the headteacher or the Chair of Governors so that they can be dealt with fairly, appropriately and effectively for all concerned
  • Treating school property and the school environment with respect.
  • Following school expectations and protocol at all times.
  • Ensuring that children are protected from harm and immediately reporting anything they believe is putting children at risk.

In order to provide our children with the right role model, Hall Green Infant and Nursery School cannot tolerate parents, carers or visitors who exhibit any of the following:

  • Disruptive behaviour which interferes or threatens to interfere with the operation of a classroom, an office, office area or any other area of school grounds, including at school events.
  • Using loud/offensive language, swearing or cursing, using profane language or displaying temper.
  • Threatening to do actual bodily harm to a member of school staff, Governor, visitor, fellow parent/carer or child regardless of whether or not the behaviour constitutes a criminal offence.
  • Damaging or destroying school property.