Thank you for a fabulous Autumn Term, I hope you have a relaxing holiday and well-deserved break... see you in the New Year Foxes!
This afternoon we ate popcorn and watched a film in our PJs. We made friendships bracelets, did some colouring and construction. It was so much fun to spend time with our friends in our comfy clothes with our teddies.
We hope you love our 2025 calendars we have made.
Year 1 did a fantastic job in their Christmas concert, what lovely singing, we hope you enjoyed our performance.
We have had a fantastic half term of Book Talks; the children have used their oracy skills brilliantly to tell their classmates about their favourite books.
In today's lesson the children discussed what the word tolerance means. We explored how it links to respect and celebrating our differences. In partners we made posters about the British values, focusing specifically on how they show tolerance and respect to others.
In PSHRE the children learnt how to resolve conflict in their friendships. They listened to the story 'Monty the Manatee' and explored themes of bullying, friendship and the importance of being kin. They acted out scenarios of potential conflicts in friendships and how they could resolve them.
For road safety week, we discussed how to be safe when walking by or crossing a road. We agreed that it was important to hold an adult's hand, look both ways, wait for the crossing lights to turn green and to wear bright colours when walking in the dark.
Last week the children studied the story 'Prince Cinders'. We began by listening to the story and then we took turns to act out the role of the gorilla to understand what it might be like to be the character. We created a 'Role on the Wall' of the gorilla. Following on, we used time adverbials to sequence the story of 'Prince Cinders' by creating story maps.
Thank you, parents, for coming to the phonics workshop, the children had a great time showing you different phonics activities that they do in school. We hope you enjoyed it and got some ideas for fun phonics activities to do with your children at home!
Today is Pudsey Day! We did a great job raising money for charity to help Children in Need.
We had a brilliant day at forest school! The children had fun in the mud kitchen, made dens, searched for insects and wildlife, and ate chocolate biscuits by the fire whilst telling stories, it was great!
We hope you enjoyed our assembly! This afternoon we decorated our clay diva lamps with paint and glitter.
Today we made Diwali cards, how lovely do they look!
It's Arts week! We are learning about Diwali, The festival of lights. This afternoon we made our very own diva lamps using clay, later on in the week, once they have dried, we are going to decorate them using paint and glitter. We will show parents/carers some of our diva lamps during our assembly on Thursday. We are looking forward to telling parents/carers about the story of Rama and Sita.
Today we made our sandwiches, we used our design and instructions from last week's lesson. We then tried our sandwiches and discussed what we liked or disliked about the taste. We also spoke about what we found hard/easy about making our sandwiches.
More fantastic book talks from Foxes! Well done!
In English today the children listened to and learnt the story of the little red riding hood. Working in groups they sequenced the story, adding captions and speech bubbles!
Today the children have looked at different types of trees, their fruits and nuts, they used magnifying glasses to identify and discuss the features. The children discussed and designed the ideal case to protect a nut, we took inspiration from the spiky shell around a conker. They observed trees in the playground. We took a photo of a deciduous tree to observe how it will change through the seasons.
More great book talks! These two Foxes chose 'The Gruffalo' and 'Supertato' as their favourite books. They told us about what they liked about the book, their favourite parts, and their favourite characters. So convincing that we had to give them both a read during story time.
In DT today, we taste tested sandwich fillings to see which ingredients we would like to put in our own sandwiches. We tried vegan cheese, halal chicken, tomatoes, lettuce and cucumber. We rated whether we liked the smell and the taste.
We had a lovely afternoon caring for our bears. We read the story 'Loved to Bits' by Teresa Heapy & Katie Cleminson. We built houses for our bears out of Lego. We made some bear crafts. We completed some Teddy bear activities. The children loved showing their bears to their friends and caring for them together!
In English this week, we have been learning about the story 'The Three Little Pigs'. We have recreated freeze frames from the story and made a 'role on the wall' about the big bad wolf. The children discussed what the big bad wolf might be thinking and feeling, what he might like, and his appearance. This helped us write brilliant character descriptions today.
Over the last 2 weeks, we have heard some fantastic 'Book Talks' about the children's favourite books. We can't wait to hear about the rest of Foxes favourite books throughout the school year.
Today, the children used cubes and counters to identify how many parts there are so they could find the whole.
The children worked as a team to follow a recipe to make bread dough. They identified the ingredients needed to make bread and ensured good food hygiene by washing their hands and equipment. Great work Foxes!
In our first maths lesson in year 1, the children sorted objects into groups. We sorted them by size, colour and name!
In PSHRE we were Team-A-Trons, working in teams to build the tallest tower! We learnt about our learning behaviour dinosaurs.