Section 1: Vision statement
Purpose of the Plan
The purpose of this plan is to show how Hall Green Infant and Nursery School intends, over time, to increase the accessibility of our school for disabled pupils. Hall Green Infants and Nursery School is committed to providing an environment that enables full curriculum access that values and includes all pupils, staff, parents and visitors regardless of their education, physical, sensory, social, spiritual, emotional and cultural needs.
Definition of Disability
According to the Equality Act 2010, a person has a disability if:
a) He or she has a physical or mental impairment.
b) The impairment has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.
Legal Background
Under the Equality Act 2010 all schools must have an Accessibility Plan. The Equality Act 2010 replaced all existing equality legislation including the DDA. The effect of the laws is the same as in the past, meaning that ‘Schools cannot lawfully discriminate against pupils because of sex, race, disability, religion or belief and sexual orientation’.
This plan has been drawn up based upon information supplied by the Local Authority, and in conjunction with pupils, parents, staff and governors of the school and will advise other school planning documents.
This Accessibility Plan sets out the proposals of the Governing Body of our school to increase access to education for disabled pupils in the three areas required by the planning duties in the DDA:
a) Increasing the extent to which disabled pupils can participate in the school curriculum; which includes teaching and learning and the wider curriculum of the school, such as participation in after school clubs, leisure and cultural activities or school visits;
b) Improving the environment of the school to increase the extent to which disabled pupils can take advantage of education and associated services;
c) Improving the delivery to disabled pupils of information, which is provided in writing for pupils who are not disabled.
Documents and policies
The Accessibility Plan should be read in conjunction with the following school policies, strategies and documents:
The School’s complaints procedure covers the Accessibility plan.
Whole school training will recognise the need to continue raising awareness for staff and governors on equality issues with reference to the Equality Act 2010.
Plan Availability:
The school makes the Accessibility Plan available in the following ways:
• A copy is posted on the school’s website
• Paper copies are available from the office
Review and Evaluation:
It is a requirement that our accessibility plan is resourced, implemented, reviewed and revised as necessary and reported on annually. Below is a set of action plans showing how Hall Green Infant School will address the priorities identified in the plan. The plan is valid for three years 2022-26. It will be reviewed annually.
Approved by: Mrs H Mehboob
Date: September 2023
Next review date: September 2024
Section 2: Aims and objectives
Accessibility Plan Code
C. Increase access to the curriculum for pupils with a disability
E. Improve and maintain access to the physical environment
I. Improve the delivery of written information to pupils
The table below sets out how the school will achieve these aims.
Objectives State short, medium and long-term objectives | Accessibility Planning Code (C, E, I) |
Actions to be taken | Person responsible | Date to complete actions by | Success criteria | |
To improve provision for pupils with SEND. | C, I |
| Audit of experience, training and confidence and CPD needed. Audit and monitoring of learning environments for total communication approach. | SENCo
| Sept 2023 and reviewed termly and annually.
Sept 2023 and reviewed termly and annually | Audit Evidence: Training and support Learning walks and monitoring of learning environments |
To improve the provision of ICT equipment for pupils with SEND | C, I |
| Teachers to be given opportunities to share practice focusing on the use of ICT in lessons. Staff to be given training and opportunities to use ICT within the curriculum. | SENCo/DHT/Year Group Leads | September 2023 | Evidence of ICT equipment being used in lessons more Effectively. Evidence: Lesson observations. |
To improve the progress and participation for pupils with sensory and or physical difficulties | C, I, E |
| SENCo with class teacher to develop communication passport SENCo to deliver ongoing symbol package training
SENCo and YGL to establish and develop gross motor group. Fine motor groups in EYFS.
BSS to access school grounds. | SENCo
SENCo/Year group leads EYFS lead
BSS | Annually in Sept Ongoing. Annually reviewed. Termly.
September 2023 Reviewed annually. April 2023 ongoing. Reviewed annually. Jan 2023 ongoing. Reviewed annually. | Communication passports for HN all in place by December 2022. Evidence: Communication passports.
Communication in Print symbols being used in writing books/classroom Displays. Evidence: Observations/ Writing Scrutinies. Symbols being used with ASD and other SEN pupils as needed. Observations.
Evidence: Markings on steps. |
To offer specialist provision for SEND children in an inclusive environment | C, I, E | To include ASD/Disabled children into mainstream lessons and activities e.g. after school club, school trips. | ASD friendly environment around the whole school.
Inclusive activities and school trips | SENCo
SENCo / EV Lead.
| Ongoing starting Sept 2023. Deadline for whole school ASD friendly environment: March 2024. | ASD/Disabled pupils able to articulate that they feel included. Evidence: Pupil voice. Lesson observations Educational visits risk assessments. After School club risk assessments/care plans. Learning walks. |
To ensure smooth transition of all pupils with SEND | C, I, E |
Induction and transition
| Review and implement a preferred layout of furniture and equipment to support the learning process in individual classrooms. Written annually or when a new child enters school.
SEND Reception, Nursery Inductions and Rec to Y1; Y1 to Y2; Y2 to Junior transition visits. | Class teacher/ SENCo.
SENCo / Year group Leads.
SENCo EYFS TAs/ Teachers EYFS TAs/ Teachers SENCO / EYFS Teachers DSLs | Annually
Summer term/Autumn Term annually.
At least termly | Lessons start on time without the need to make adjustment to accommodate the needs of individual pupils. Evidence: Communication Passports profiles. Management and care plans, e.g. for VI, disabled and OMAS pupils. Evidence: Meetings timetabled Transition leaflets Pupil profiles Notes from visits and 1:1 induction meetings Vulnerable children lists updates. |
To improve the progress and participation / for pupils with cognition and learning difficulties. | C, I |
| Deliver INSET training to support SEND knowledge and strategies to differentiate.
Ongoing training for all staff. | SENCo
SENCO / SEN TA / CAT. | Ongoing
Ongoing | All staff attending INSET. Evidence: Lesson observations. Book scrutiny. Classroom display.
To improve pupil voice for children with SEND at school | C |
| All children given the opportunity of a voice. | SENCo and personal development lead.
| By March 2024. | SEND pupils on school council
Evidence: School Council notes. |
To improve the progress for children with communication and language difficulties | C. I |
| SALT outreach support to upskill staff to support identified areas of need.
NELI and Talk Boost assessment and delivery training. | SALTs, SENCo.
SENCO, EYFS lead. | September 2023 ongoing.
Autumn term annually. | Development of SALT activities for specific pupils. Evidence: Provision map Parents’ voice on SEN Review forms. |
To improve the attainment and participation of pupils with social, emotional and mental health difficulties. | C, I |
| Meet regularly to discuss children impacted by SEMH issues with safeguarding team, TAs with counselling and social skills experience and SENCo. Social group in KS1 use ERA. | DSLs and SENCO
SENCo / Teacher
SENCo / Year Group Lead / TAs. | Ongoing
By Autumn 2023. | Evidence: Provision map Records of 3 houses Individual signposting emails and newsletters. Provision map Learning walks. |