WORD PLAY BOOKS - Children will be coming home tonight with their Word Play books. These are packed with exciting activities based on some of the stories, authors and illustrators we have worked with this week. Please spend some time working through these books and enjoying the activities.
MATHS - in maths next week we are going to be looking at position. Please spend some time exploring clockwise and anti-clockwise, whole turns, quarter turns and half terns and left and right. Create a map, write directions for someone to follow, make up a treasure hunt using directions!
MUSIC - we are starting to learn songs for our leavers assembly. Please spend some time learning the words to the following songs.
you can count on me - Bruno Mars https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yc6T9iY9SOU
This is me - Keala Settle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5J29YsEfYlo
Both can be found on youtube with the lyrics. Please supervise your child when searching online.