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Special Educational Needs Abbreviations

Glossary of SEND Terms

1PPOne Page Profile ~ summary page used for children identified at having high needs or behaviour needs.  This ensures all staff working with the child are familiar with the child's needs, preferences and opinions. 
ASDAutistic Spectrum Disorder ~ is no longer used due to the connotations of ‘disorder’, “… is on the Autistic Spectrum” or "Autistic Spectrum Condition" or “… has Autism” would instead be used. 
ADD/ADHDAttention Deficit Disorder / Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder 
AssessmentA detailed examination of a child's special educational needs 
Baseline AssessmentA standardised teacher assessment designed to establish the attainment level of children at a significant point 
BESDBehavioural, Emotional and Social Difficulties 
BSSBehaviour Support Service (now CoB) 
CATCommunication and Autism Team 
CoBCity of Birmingham School ~ previously BSS 
CoPCode of Practice 
CRISPCriteria for Special Provision ~ funding & assessment tool used for children with a statement or provision plan 
CICommunication and Interaction 
CLCognition and Learning 
CPChild Protection 
CPRChild Protection Register 
EBDEmotional and Behavioural Difficulties 
EHC(P)Education and Health Care Plan 
EPEducation Psychologist 
ESWEducation Social Worker 
ESPEarly Support Programme 
EYFSEarly Years Foundation Stage 
Fine MotorSmall movements e.g. cutting, using a pencil and doing up fastenings on clothes. 
FSMFree School Meals (see PPG) 
G&TGifted & Talented (child working two or more years above age-related expectations) see MAC 
GLDGlobal Learning Difficulties 
Gross MotorLarge movements e.g. running, jumping and climbing 
HIHearing Impaired 
IBPIndividual Behaviour Plan 
IEPIndividual Education Plan (no longer used at HGIS following introduction of the new CoP) 
ILInclusion Leader 
LA/LEALocal Authority/Local Education Authority 
LDLearning Difficulties 
L&L ToolkitLanguage & Literacy Toolkit.  Continuum of statements covering the areas of speaking & listening, reading and writing.  This is used for each child on the SEND register as a key part of the 'plan/do/review' SEND cycle. 
LSALearning Support Assistant 
MACMore Able Child (child working a year above age-related expectations) 
MLDModerate Learning Difficulties 
NCNational Curriculum 
ODDOppositional Defiant Disorder 
OTOccupational Therapy/Therapist 
PDPhysical Disability 
P LevelsType of assessment used for pupils working below level 1.  At HGIS we use ‘B Squared’ to do this. 
PPProvision Plan 
PPGPupil Premium Grant 
SaLTSpeech and Language Therapy 
SATsStandard Assessment Tests 
SASchool Action (old CoP) 
SA+School Action Plus (old CoP) 
SEN(D)Special Educational Needs (and disabilities) 
SENCoSpecial Educational Needs Co-ordinator 
SSSEND Support (replaces SA & SA+) As part of the graduated response this may include targeted or specialist support, when outside agencies become involved. 
SLDSevere Learning Difficulties 
SpLDSpecific Learning Difficulties 
SPMSensory, Physical, Medical 
SSSSensory Support Service (includes HI & VI) 
StatementStatutory assessment of a child’s special educational needs, now EHCP education and health care plan following the new SEND legislation September 2014.  Transfers to the EHC from a statement are happening for different year groups over the space of several years. 
TATeaching Assistant 
VIVisually Impaired 