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PSHE - Celebrating Differences

This half term in PSHE, we have been celebrating differences. We have learned all about stereotypes and how it is good to be different. We have learned about our school Aspiration of 'Respect and Celebrate our Differences'. We have really enjoyed learning about each other and discovering the things that we have in common and things that are different. We know that it is OK to be different and our differences are what makes us special. We have also been challenging gender stereotypes such as only boys like football and only girls like pink! We have lots of children in our class who like all kinds of interesting things - it doesn't matter if you're a boy or girl! We've also discussed things we can do if we see someone being bullied or if we are being bullied ourselves. We made a 'Stand up to Bullying' paper chain which tells others what to do if they witness bullying. Have a look at our work below! 
