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British Science Week

Monday 8th March - Friday 12th March is British Science Week. Children all over the country have been participating in science events at school based on the theme 'Innovating for the Future'. We looked at this theme through the idea of space exploration! We kicked off our Science Week by learning about astronauts and what is like to live on the International Space Station. Have a look at the video below to see British Astronaut Tim Peake telling us about how to play ping pong on the ISS. 

Space Ping-Pong! Astronaut Tim Peake on the ISS

In our writing lessons this week, we researched all about the scientist Katherine Johnson and the role she played in sending rockets to space. We then wrote mini-biographies about her life and significance in the world of space exploration. We also wrote letters to apply to become astronauts! Have a look at some of the examples of our writing below. There is also a video to watch all about the life of Katherine Johnson. 

Animation Series: Counting On Katherine

In our Science lesson, we learned all about the importance of collecting data and the types of data astronauts collect in space. We became scientists by making our own rain gauges in school. We took them home to observe the rainfall over 7 days. Once we have collected our data, we are going to think  of creative ways to present it and return it to school for a special this space to see the final results! 
We also took part in a space themed art lesson. We used recycled bottle lids of different sizes to make our own solar system paintings. We got very messy using our fingers to paint stars around our plants. We really enjoyed taking part in science week and now lots of us are aspiring astronauts! 