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Autumn 2

This term we will be comparing life in an Indian village to our life in England. We started our topic by researching weather, food and clothes in India, writing in hindi , identifying some fruits that are grown in India and colouring the Indian flag.

In D&T we tasted a selection of Indian foods. We had barfi, mango lassi and naan. We talked about the taste, appearance, texture and aroma of the different foods. We all had different opinions on the foods. Some of us really liked the lassi whilst others preferred the barfi or naan. We thought of different ways to describe the foods and our opinions. We talked about our favourite Indian food and why we liked it. It was an exciting and fun lesson!

In DT we have been looking at Indian foods and thought it would be lovely for the children to make their very own mango kulfi using condensed milk, whole milk, double cream and mango.  The children were able to each contribute to the process and thoroughly enjoyed making the kulfi and they then were able to taste the kulfi during their 'Indian Bazaar' experience.




To finish off our topic on India, we transformed our classroom into an 'Indian Bazaar'. The children came to school in Indian and party clothes. Then they took part in the Indian Bazaar experience where they walked into the classroom which was lit with candles and it was set up like a real bazaar with instruments, food, materials, bangles and spices. The children danced to Indian music, smelt lots of Indian spices and explored instruments. They were then given rupees to buy a selection of food which were samosas, naan, pineapple, mango, squash and our homemade kulfi.