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Have a look at 1CH's wonderful learning and upcoming events...

Take a look at what we have been learning in 1CH....

Joyous Jubilee Celebrations

Super Science Week

Egg-cellent Easter activities in 1CH!

Describing volume in our Maths lesson.

Healthy me! Working in pairs to sort pictures of things that are always healthy, sometimes healthy and never healthy.

Red Nose 2022!

Look at us performing freeze frames in RE! We discussed what it meant to be good friends and performed different scenarios.

World Book Day fun in 1CH

Our Visit from the author Luke Temple

Our final structures for our settlement in DT

Explorers in the National Space Centre

Look at 1CH decorating their photo frames for 'Sparkle and Shine' week to raise money for the wellbeing garden.

Making free-standing structures in DT

Merry Christmas from 1CH! PART 1

Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Santa Surprise!!

We love reading in 1CH - take a look at the books we really enjoy reading!

We are Meteorologists - Science

After exploring the positive and negatives effects of wind, we made our own windsocks to measure the direction of the wind.

Reading for Pleasure

1CH thoroughly enjoyed their visit to their local library. Our visit was very informative, as the librarian talked about borrowing books and how to get a library card - they were very excited to find out that you can get a library card at any age!

The librarian talked about the different sections in the children's library and read us some very funny stories - which the children joined in with 'Eee Aww'! The children children particularly enjoyed sharing books with their friends. There was a great selection of pop up books and Christmas themed books to choose from! We cannot wait to go back!

Our Visit to Sarehole Mill

As part of our learning adventure, Year One visited Sarehole Mill to explore how Hall Green has changed over time. We learnt about the history of the mill and how Sarehole village would have looked in the past. We learnt about how J R R Tolkien was inspired by the mill and the surrounding area including Mosley Bog to write ‘The Hobbit’ and ‘The Lord of the Rings’. We were very proud of the children as they walked sensibly to and from the mill. 

Our Diwali Celebrations

We had a wonderful time celebrating Diwali. We especially enjoyed dressing up, making our own divas and firework pictures using chalk.

We listened to the story of 'Rama and Sita' and how good triumphs over evil. We also shared our own experiences of how we celebrate Diwali at home - which was very interesting.

Food Tasting in Design Technology

Before we could decide which filling to select in our sandwich, first we needed to evaluate the taste of a range of different fillings. We didn't like the hummus very much as it tasted very slimy but we really enjoyed the crunchy cucumber and the creamy cheese.

Our Marvellous Maths - number bonds to 10

1CH used their  double sided counters and a ten frame to help find all number bonds to 10.

We learnt a rhyme to help us....why not practice this a home?

1 and 9 stand in a line.

2 and 8 open the gate.

3 and 7 look up to heaven.

4 and 6 pick up sticks.

5 and 5 go for a drive.

0 and 10 big strong men.

Knowing these bonds will help to speed up mental arithmetic. 

Art Week - Rainbows

The children really enjoyed using a range of mediums such as felt tips, pastels, paint and tissue paper to design and colour wonderful rainbows. We explored how to mix primary colours to make the secondary colours we needed for our rainbow paintings.

Our Magnificent Maths - number lines

We were being Team-a-trons in Maths as we worked in pairs to make our number lines.

Raft building in Science

After learning about the properties of materials and exploring which materials were durable, waterproof and could float, we designed and made small rafts for the Gingerbread Man to help him cross the river without being eaten by a cunning fox.

Our Magnificent Maths - sorting objects

We worked in pairs to sort groups of objects. The children decided to group the bears by size and/ or colour. They could explain to each other how they had sorted the bears.
