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Christmas Party Day


Today we had our Christmas party. In the morning we made Christmas Tree decorations and we wrote a letter to Santa. In the afternoon we had a live Teams meeting with Santa, who was in Lapland. His Elf came to visit us and gave us a present for being such wonderful children and working really hard. We played musical chairs and Safa was the class champion! Finally we got to enjoy our party food. What a GREAT DAY!


Today, in math's, we made Christmas cards using 2D shapes. For our party, we made paper chains all working as a Team-a-tron.


Christmas Activities

Today we have been making snowmen, snowflakes and calendars. We used the style of the artist Karla Gerard to make our calendars. 

Christmas Jumper Day
Well done Priyana, Nada and Amelia for getting all your spellings correct and no errors with the spelling dictation sentences. Well done to all the children who got all their spellings correct. Happy Friday!!!!!


Today we have been rehearsing our Christmas song 'Feliz Navidad'. We did it in 2 groups. We created actions to go with our song. Watch out for the video soon. 


I am really impressed with Yellow group today in English. They have been using their phonics to spell words. 


Well done Aaira for getting 10/10 for your spellings and no errors with the spelling dictation sentences. Well done to all the children who got all their spellings correct. Happy Friday!!!!!

English 03/12/2020


Today we have been writing our own version of Jack and the Beanstalk but in the style of Allan Ahlberg's book Previously. 


Today in DT we have been making sandwiches!!

Universal Children’s Day

The United Nations’ Universal Children’s Day is on 20th November.

This celebration happens every year all over the world.

It is a day for everybody to think about children.

We want to help children know their own rights.

Aws, who is our UNICEF representative told us all about it.

